
Menampilkan postingan dari Mei, 2017

Falls Can Happen in Any Workplace

Many people spend 40 hours or more per week working, and many jobs require that you go to an office or work-site to perform your duties. Since accidents can happen anywhere and because people spend so much time at work, it only makes sense that there is a risk of accidents and injuries during your work hours. One of the most common workplace accidents occurs when someone suffers a fall. When you think of falling at work , you may first think about window -washers, roofers, utility repairmen, and other jobs that require you to be high off the ground. While falls are certainly a risk in those types of jobs, they are also surprisingly common in workplaces that normally would be considered low-risk. At Dolman Law Group, our Clearwater workplace injury lawyers help victims of falls at work receive workers’ compensation coverage for all of their necessary medical treatments and the income they may lose while they recover from their injuries. If you’ve suffered injuries from a fall, please

Is There a Difference When Claiming Past Versus Future Damages in Trial?

In a somewhat typical car accident , Doron York, caused a car accident. As a result of York’s negligence, Emmett Smith was injured in the accident. See York v. Smith, 367 P.3d 821 (Nev., 2010).  When the case didn’t settle, Smith sued York. At trial, the jury agreed that Smith had been injured the accident and awarded him damages.  After hearing all of the evidence, the jury awarded Smith damages for both past and future damages.  The future damages were allocated to allow Smith to pay for a possible future ankle surgery. Not liking the award, the at fault driver appealed the decision to the Nevada Supreme Court. The Nevada high court determined that the jury was indeed out of bounds for making its award. We will go into detail about what happened at trial. At trial, the injured party, Smith, put a medical expert on the witness stand. Smith’s expert stated that future surgery was just one of many possible future treatment options for Smith. The expert also noted that Smith hadn’t actu

4 Things to do After a Slip and Fall Accident

Slip and fall accidents are a leading cause of personal injuries in Florida and can result in thousands of dollars in medical bills and other damages. Slip and fall cases can be difficult to prove because insurance companies will oftentimes dispute liability . They will claim that the owner of the property was not aware of the dangerous condition or was not notified of the defect in a timely manner. The insurance company may even claim that the injured plaintiff caused or contributed to the slip and fall accident and is entitled to little – if any – recovery. If you or someone you love has been injured in a slip and fall accident , you need an experienced slip and fall lawyer on your side representing you throughout your case. An experienced personal injury attorney may be able to assist you with settlement negotiations and, if necessary, can litigate the case for you and advocate for you in the courtroom. This article will explore some steps you can take on your own after being invol

What Are Punitive Damages, and When Are They Available?

In order to prove a case in chief for negligence , a personal injury plaintiff must prove damages. Specifically, the plaintiff must be able to prove that the injuries and damages that he or she sustained were directly and proximately caused by the negligence of the defendant or defendants. In some of the most serious and egregious personal injury cases, punitive damages may be available to compensate an injured plaintiff in addition to the usual economic and noneconomic damages. If you have sustained personal injuries as a result of someone else’s negligence, then you may be entitled to monetary recovery under Florida law. A Florida personal inj ury lawyer may be able to assist you with obtaining monetary compensation, including punitive damages, against a responsible defendant or defendants. Definition of Punitive Damages Under Florida Law Under Florida law , in order to assert a claim for punitive damages , a personal injury plaintiff must first make a proffer that demonstrates a ‘r