
Menampilkan postingan dari Juli, 2015

What If Your Child Is Injured at Camp?

According to the American Camp Association (ACA) 1 summer camps bring in an estimated 15 billion dollars every year. While both day camps and sleep-away camps can be highly rewarding experiences for children, sending your child to camp puts your child at risk of several types of serious injuries. Camps should always maintain the highest safety standards possible for children and, when they fail to do so, you may be able to recover financially for certain injuries suffered by your child. The following are some of the most common injuries sustained by children at summer camp: Burns – One of the most symbolic parts of the camp experience is the campfire. Campers not only gather around a large fire to roast marshmallows and sing songs, but may also use grills and other types of flame for cooking, camping, and other activities. Unfortunately, where there is fire, there is the chance to get burned. Burns from open flames can be serious and require immediate medical attention. Serious burns

Who Has the Right of Way at a Four Way Stop in Nevada?

You are approaching a four way stop, and you and another car get to the intersection at the exact same time. Let’s assume you are being a nice person and you wave the other person to go first. But, the other person is waving for you to go first! Who really has the right of way to go first? It is the person on the “right” and is set forth in NRS 484B.250: NRS 484B.250  Vehicle approaching or entering intersection.       1.  The driver of a vehicle approaching an intersection shall yield the right-of-way to a vehicle which has entered the intersection from a different highway.       2.  When two vehicles enter an intersection from different highways at approximately the same time, the driver of the vehicle on the left shall yield the right-of-way to the vehicle on the right.       3.  When two vehicles enter an intersection at approximately the same time, one vehicle traveling on a highway which ends at the intersection and the other vehicle traveling on a through highway, the driver of

Negligence Can Lead to Swimming Pool Accidents

Going to the swimming pool should be fun and enjoyable. Unfortunately, any time your family is around water, there is the chance for serious accidents, specifically drowning. Most drowning accidents end in tragedy and, even more tragically, most drowning victims are children under the age of 14. Even if a drowning victim survives, they often suffer brain damage due to oxygen deprivation or due to hitting their head on the side or bottom of the pool. Drowning accidents can leave family facing extensive financial and emotional losses and many families wonder how they can recover when a loved one drowns in a swimming pool. The experienced wrongful death lawyers at the Dolman Law Group in Clearwater can evaluate your case and advise you of your legal options. Negligent acts of pool owners Pool owners—like any other property owners—have the duty to keep the area in and around the pool safe for visitors. Unfortunately, too many pool owners fail to uphold this duty and it leads to drownings

Playgrounds Can Be Dangerous Places and a Playground Injury Can Be Severe

Playgrounds are supposed to be designed as safe places for children to play without getting injured. Unfortunately that is not always the case. According to the National Playground Institute over 200,000 playground injuries are reported each year, nationwide. Of these 45 percent are considered severe. 75 percent happen in public playgrounds such as schools, parks, and daycare centers. 60 percent of those accidents are caused by falls from playground equipment. Falls also account for over 80 percent of home playground injuries. S.A.F.E Standards The National Program for Playground Safety created S.A.F.E. which separates the safety of playgrounds into four separate categories to create and maintain a safe playground design. - Supervision – Lack of adult supervision leads to many serious playground accidents. Children should be in clear visibility of parents or adult supervisors at all times. The parents should check the area frequently for dangers of faulty equipment, trip and fall obst

What Are the Laws on Yielding to Emergency Vehicles in Nevada?

When an ambulance or other emergency is on the road and they are involved in a car accident , the outcome can be catastrophic, due to the high speeds in which emergency vehicles tend operate. When an ambulance or other emergency vehicle is on the roadway, they have to follow certain rules before ‘breaking’ the normal traffic laws. These rules are set forth in Nevada Revised Statutes (“NRS”) 484B, entitled “Rules of the Road”.  The relevant sections of NRS 484B are laid out below: NRS  484B.700  Privileges granted to driver of authorized emergency vehicle, official vehicle of regulatory agency or vehicle escorting funeral procession; application of privileges; limitation of privileges.       1.  The driver of an authorized emergency vehicle or an official vehicle of a regulatory agency, when responding to an emergency call or when in pursuit of an actual or suspected violator of the law or when responding to but not upon returning from a fire alarm, or a vehicle escorting a