What Happens When You Get a Ticket for Not Having Your Registration Sticker Even Though You Registered Your Car Online?

There are two separate laws that govern registration tags in Las Vegas, Nevada. One is the City law, called municipal law. While the other, state law, located in Nevada Revised Statutes, usually shortened to simply “NRS”.

Municipal is another word for City and includes the laws in the City of Las Vegas. According to Municipal Code §11.24.010, it is unlawful, on a street within the City, to "[p]ark a vehicle which does not display thereon a valid registration permit …  So, what happens when you renew your registration, but haven’t received that new color-coded sticker in the mail?

Nevada state law may come to your rescue. NRS §482.280(4) states that a car owner who has applied for renewal may continue to drive the vehicle for the time it takes the DMV to issue a new registration card aka sticker. NRS §482.280(4) states: an owner who has made proper application for renewal of registration before the expiration of the current registration but who has not received the license plate or plates or card of registration for the ensuing period of registration is entitled to operate or permit the operation of that vehicle upon the highways upon displaying thereon the license plate or plates issued for the preceding period of registration for such a time as may be prescribed by the Department as it may find necessary for the issuance of the new plate or plates or card of registration.

According to state law in NRS §482.280(4), your car registration is valid for a short time even if you have not received your new sticker. If you are issued a ticket under city law, you should be able to argue state law overrides the lower, city law.   

However, if you want to avoid these problems, it is good idea to print out your online registration renewal sheet and tape it to the interior of the back of your car, while you wait for your new sticker to arrive in the mail. This way, you won’t have the headache of dealing with a ticket. 

Next time, we will discuss what happens when a minor is involved in a car accident.


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