What Does the Las Vegas, Nevada Personal Injury Court System Look Like?

In the state of Nevada, we have what are called District courts, where all matters with a value of $10,000.00 or more are heard. That means a lot of car accident cases that do not settle and require a lawsuit being filed, end up in district court.
In Las Vegas, Nevada, we have 32 district court judges that hear personal injury matters. When making their decisions on cases, the judges look at the laws as written by the legislature and written opinions from our highest court in Nevada, the Nevada Supreme Court. As of this writing, there is presently no intermediate court of appeals in Nevada.  
However, there has been a growing movement to have a court of appeals in Nevada. Without a court of appeals, the Nevada Supreme Court has to decide all appeals. Given the limited resources of the Nevada Supreme Court, the court is not able to make decisions on all cases that request an appeal.
What happens when the legislature and the Nevada Supreme Court haven’t addressed an issue? You guessed it! Each district court judge makes their own decision! Oftentimes, that means that one judge can make a decision that is completely opposite from the judge in the next courtroom. Although that means there is always uncertainty in any lawsuit, your Las Vegas Personal Injury Lawyer is willing and able to fight for you!
Next time, we will discuss surgery and how it impacts your case.


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