Falls Can Happen in Any Workplace

Many people spend 40 hours or more per week working, and many jobs require that you go to an office or work-site to perform your duties. Since accidents can happen anywhere and because people spend so much time at work, it only makes sense that there is a risk of accidents and injuries during your work hours. One of the most common workplace accidents occurs when someone suffers a fall. When you think of falling at work , you may first think about window -washers, roofers, utility repairmen, and other jobs that require you to be high off the ground. While falls are certainly a risk in those types of jobs, they are also surprisingly common in workplaces that normally would be considered low-risk. At Dolman Law Group, our Clearwater workplace injury lawyers help victims of falls at work receive workers’ compensation coverage for all of their necessary medical treatments and the income they may lose while they recover from their injuries. If you’ve suffered injuries from a fall, please ...