Traumatic Brain Injury Patients

When people are involved in an accident, there is a range of injuries that they can suffer - from minor to life-threatening. There is the further issue of not only the actual injury that the person suffers but whether or not they will be able to resume their former life and productivity when they reach maximum medical improvement. One example of a serious injury that can affect your life is a traumatic brain injury (TBI) . TBI affects approximately 1.7 million Americans every year and kills more than 52,000 Americans every year. The annual cost is a whopping $60 billion dollars . Some of the complications that TBI patients can suffer speak to the profound, all-encompassing nature of the condition. Not only do TBI patients suffer from the expected mental limitations, often times they suffer from the following, as well: - Bladder and bowel control problems ; - Digestive tract problems, and overall problems with digesting foods ; and -Depression, anxiety, hyperactivity and aggres...