Are Alternative Theories of Medical Causation Allowed in Personal Injury Claims?

To provide a more in depth analysis of Nevada law, starting in 2017, the blog will move to a monthly format. I hope you enjoy today’s blog and the new format as we move forward in discussing the exciting developments in the ever changing landscape of Nevada law. Today’s blog addresses alternative theories of causation in a personal injury cases. An interesting case that came out of the Nevada Supreme Court on alternative theories of causation is Leavitt v. Siems , 130 Nev.Ad.Op. 54 (July 10, 2014). In Leavitt , Kami Leavitt underwent Lasik eye surgery with Dr. Siems. Unfortunately, after surgery, Kami ended up losing most of her vision in both eyes. The case went to trial and the jury felt Dr. Siems did nothing wrong. At trial, Siem’s lawyers argued that Kami’s eyes did not heal properly after the surgery because of her own actions. They argued that Kami abused numbing eye drops after the surgery, making her eye problems worse. To support the “eye-drop-abuse” arg...