Clearwater Burn Injuries

According to the American Burn Association [1] , in 2015, there were 486,000 burn injuries in the United States. 40,000 of those burn injuries required hospitalization. Burn injuries are the number two leading cause of all accidental deaths in the US, behind automobile accidents. Fires and other accidents involving burn injuries can be tremendously painful and often leave behind permanent scars. Excision, skin grafts and physical therapy for burn patients can mean a long recovery and extensive pain. Personal injury claims involving fires and burns are often filed on behalf of people who have been burned as a result of another person’s negligence. Factors Causing Florida Burn injuries Burn injuries can be caused by a variety of factors including injuries from steam burns, contact burns, scalds and electrical burns which include lightening strikes, chemical and flash burns. Common causes of Clearwater burn injuries include: • ...