Examples of Property Owner Negligence That Can Lead to Trip and Fall Accidents

Slipping,tripping, and falling can happen anywhere where a person is standing or walking inside or outside. Most of us have experienced a trip and fall accident 1 at some point in our lives. In most instances, these accidents result in minor or even non-existent injuries. In some cases, however, the injuries that people sustain in slip and fall accidents are serious and require intensive medical care. This is particularly true for certain populations, including older adults and people with certain medical conditions that make them particularly vulnerable to injury. Regardless of the individual characteristics of a victim, people or businesses that engage in negligent conduct that results in a slip and fall accident can often be held liable for injuries and other losses they cause. In some cases, it may not even be apparent to victims that their accident was the result of someone else’s negligence. It is important, therefore, for anyone injured in a trip and fall accident to discuss t...