What If Your Child Is Injured at Camp?

According to the American Camp Association (ACA) 1 summer camps bring in an estimated 15 billion dollars every year. While both day camps and sleep-away camps can be highly rewarding experiences for children, sending your child to camp puts your child at risk of several types of serious injuries. Camps should always maintain the highest safety standards possible for children and, when they fail to do so, you may be able to recover financially for certain injuries suffered by your child. The following are some of the most common injuries sustained by children at summer camp: Burns – One of the most symbolic parts of the camp experience is the campfire. Campers not only gather around a large fire to roast marshmallows and sing songs, but may also use grills and other types of flame for cooking, camping, and other activities. Unfortunately, where there is fire, there is the chance to get burned. Burns from open flames can be serious and require immediate medical attention. Serious burns...