Popularity of the Mirena IUD Increases Despite Risks

Safety concerns, regarding the use of the intra-uterinedevice (IUD) that began in the 1970’s with the scandal involving the Dalton shield, have waned. The IUD has become the contraceptive of choice for 6.4 percent of American women of child bearing age during the period from 2011 through 2013. These numbers were published in February of 2015 in a report by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. A number of factors are reasons for the increase in usage. Reasons for IUD Popularity The IUD still trails in popularity behind the pill and condoms, but the effectiveness and security of the device make it an attractive option. The IUD as a birth control device has a 99 percent effective rate, coupled with a five year life span. Medical societies have implemented policies recommending that doctors consider IUDs more broadly, while advertising and marketing by IUD manufacturers have brought the method back into the foreground for women seeking a reliable and long lasting contrace...