How do you Serve a Lawsuit on a Defendant Insurance Company in a Bad Faith or Breach of Contract Action?

You bought car insurance thinking you would be covered in case something happened to you while driving. Since you are forward thinking, you bought UIM (underinsured motorist) coverage , which protects you in case you are hit by an uninsured or underinsured driver. Yet, your insurance company is not living up to their end of the bargain, by paying you your UIM car insurance benefits. If you are in this situation and need to hire an attorney to fight the insurance company, you may be wondering, how does the insurance company actually get notice of the lawsuit? As part of doing business in the state of Nevada, all insurance companies have to go through the Nevada insurance commissioner before they set up shop here in Las Vegas, Nevada. As part of the that process, each insurance company agrees that if a lawsuit is filed against it, the Nevada Insurance commissioner can accept notice of the lawsuit on their behalf. The laws that apply in this situation are NRS §680A.250 and NRS ...